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Aging, Healthy, Vigorous, & it possible?

Can your latter days be greater than your former?

(Dec 2020 Enjoying family time Linda & the kiddos)

I have read articles that say as seniors age they're at risk of becoming plagued with physical ailments or mental instability. Even so, I say that our latter days can be greater than our former days. Though it will require effort, a mindset shift, discipline, wisdom, desire, and cooperation on our part. I invite you to click and listen to the audio on the home page and see what Caleb shares about it.

12 But good people will grow like palm trees; they will be tall like the cedars of Lebanon. 13 Like trees planted in the Temple of the Lord, they will grow strong in the courtyards of our God. 14 When they are old, they will still produce fruit; they will be healthy and fresh.

-Psalm 92 verses 12 - 14

     Don't Let Age Be Your Barrier

Don't be afraid to Try something different. Do something fresh and new!

You'll be amazed at what you still really CAN DO!

Today's assignment: Give it some thought and over the next few weeks make it your goal to try something fresh, new or different.

  Body Treatment

  & Care

body treatment.jpg

In many instances our body is a direct result of how we treat it both internally as well as externally.

Grab yourself a cup of coffee & 
visit me sometime at (

                     Annual Check-ups Matter 

We often visit doctors only at the onset of aches and pain. Instead get in the routine of having annual wellness checks.

Fresh Air & Time Outdoors

Health, Faith, & Wellness Practices

*Get Fresh Air

*Stay hydrated  

*Proper Sleep

*Bible study & prayer

YOU MATTER! YOU HAVE PURPOSE! Consider PT work, take up a hobby, volunteer at your church or at a organization you feel

can use your talents. It may help seniors ward off consistent boredom, feel a sense of life purpose and alleviate feelings of

loneliness, despair, and isolation.

                                       Our aim is "wholeness" in every way



Life is to be enjoyed with friends and family


                 I'm Ella

                        a peaceful song share sung by
                       Babbie Mason to quiet your mind

The benefits of a Sound such as
humming, singing, whistling & music:     
#May improve your mood           
#May lower stress                 
#Reciting song lyrics is good for the brain
#Its rhythm may trigger body joint flow
#May offer mental refreshment

                *see I Samuel 16:23


No senior should endure mistreatment, neglect, physical, financial, emotional or verbal abuse from family members or providers. 
Seniors are worthy of kindness, respect & honor by virtue of age.

~God so loved the world and that includes YOU!


The Lord lovingly cares for each sheep.

His tender touch is like none other.

I know the plans I have in mind for you, declares the LORD; they are plans for peace, not disaster, to give you a future filled with hope.
                                    ~Jeremiah 29:11

Caleb, the spy said: So here I am today, 85 years old. I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out."  

See Joshua 14

Seniors, although aging; mount up!  Soar like the eagle. It's 
A Time to Bloom!

click to hear the audio  message 

For Whosoever Will


It's my prayer that you be made 

in every way whole!

Visitors, I had no plan of creating this blog page.  Nonetheless, I pray your visit here was beneficial.  It was the The Holy Spirit who suddenly and out of the blue prompted me to create it.  That tells me that the message he's given me to share here he deems important.  I thank him for divine inspiration, his endowment of creativity, along with an innate perseverance to see it through to completion in accordance to what was envisioned.

We know that the secret things belong to the Lord (Deuteronomy 29:29(a) but the things which are revealed, that being  (his instructions) belong to us and to our children forever and is not hidden.  Now it's up to you to apply it, and to walk it out.

The Health, Faith, & Wellness blog is a branch of

            The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson

Contact: (email)

The Ministry of Linda L. Johnson  (website)


You can locate this mission on Instagram, X, Facebook,

YouTube, Tunein Radio and other social media platforms

You are invited to visit my ministry website to learn about my latest

wix blog page where I share ministry testimonials and stories.

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